

Domain - extra
Quantum Cryptography
Multi-party quantum cryptographic primitives in realistic environments
Thesis advisor
Laplante Sophie, LRI-UPS
(repsonsible until M. Kerenidis receives his Habilitation (end 2010) )
Diamanti Eleni, LTCI, Telecom ParisTech (co-advisor scientifique)
The thesis consists of two main parts: one theoretical, where M. Kerenidis
is responsible, and one experimental, where Ms Diamanti is responsible.
The two collaborating labs are LRI-UPS and LTCI-Telecom ParisTech.
In an increasingly connected world, the notion of security is an
imperative, henceforth making cryptography an important research field.
In the not so far future, adversaries are likely to possess the ability
to perform computations on quantum computers, therefore, it is an
urgency to strengthen the foundations of cryptography, in order to make
them sufficient for a world where quantum computation and communication
is an available resource.

The main objective of this doctoral project is to provide a general
framework that will enable the study of quantum cryptographic primitives
in a realistic scenario, as well as implement such primitives in the

The project has three main phases. First, the experimental setup of
quantum cryptographic protocols. Second, the programming of the control
of such protocols. Third, the mathematical proof of their security
against all adversaries.
In an increasingly connected world, the notion of security is an
imperative, henceforth making cryptography an important research field.
In the not so far future, such adversaries are likely to possess the
ability to perform computations on quantum computers that would enable
them to break most of the commonly used security systems. It is,
therefore, an urgency to strengthen the foundations of cryptography, in
order to make them sufficient for a world where quantum computation and
communication is a resource.

Quantum computation has had a tremendous impact in cryptography in the
last decades. Shor's algorithm for factoring shows that quantum
computers are probably more powerful than classical ones, since
factoring is assumed to be hard for any classical computer. Moreover,
the ability to communicate over quantum channels has made it possible to
revisit unconditionally secure cryptography. The proposed research
project is situated at the heart of this excit
The aim of this doctoral project will be to produce novel and fundamental
research in the field of quantum cryptography by focusing on unmet
scientific goals that arise both from a theoretical and practical

Since the discovery of unconditionally secure key distribution, a series
of works has investigated what other cryptographic primitives are
possible or not in the quantum world. Such primitives have been mostly
studied in an idealized setting, where there are no errors and losses in
the communication channel.

The main objective of this doctoral project is to provide a general
framework that will enable the study of quantum cryptographic primitives
in a realistic scenario, as well as implement such primitives in the

Another direction that the project will pursue is the extension of the
aforementioned ideas to the case of multi-party quantum networks.
Work program
The presented project is situated at the frontier between computer science
and physics; we therefore propose the co-supervision of the candidate by
two scientists, Eleni Diamanti and Iordanis Kerenidis, who belong in
these two fields with common involvement and interest in quantum
communication and quantum computation.

The project has three main phases, that are of course interrelated.
First, the experimental work, that will be pursued in the laboratory
space available in Télécom ParisTech. Second, the programming of the
control of the experimental setup. Third, the mathematical proof of the
security of all protocols that will be implemented in the lab.
Extra information

Iordanis Kerenidis jkeren à
Eleni Diamanti eleni.diamanti à

A background in all or most of the following: mathematics (including
information theory), cryptography, physics (including, quantum
mechanics, optics), computer science (complexity theory, algorithms),
quantum computation.
Télécharger research.pdf
Expected funding
Institutional funding
Status of funding
Potential candidates should be motivated and have a varied background in the areas listed in the prerequisites. For more information, please contact one of the advisors.
Mardi 20 avril 2010 19:53:58 CEST
dernière modif.
Mardi 20 avril 2010 19:54:31 CEST

Fichiers joints

research.pdf 20 Apr 2010 19:5311586277.41 Kb

Ecole Doctorale Informatique Paris-Sud

Nicole Bidoit
Stéphanie Druetta
Conseiller aux thèses
Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps

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